Biographical information Stampa

Name: Germana Prencipe

Occupation: Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist

Year Of Birth: 1963

Place Of Birth: Italy, Messina

Address: Via delle Scuole, 13 - 30171 VENEZIA-MESTRE (ITALY)

Tel: +003941971533

Cell.: +39347-2782388

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(1988): DOCTOR in Psychology Padova University (Italy)

(1989-1992): Training of specialization in Psychotherapy of Gestalt  Human Communication Center of Venice

My thesis was on “The dream in the psychotherapy of Gestalt. Semantic Analisys of the book by F. Perls: “Gestalt therapy verbatim” 1969, Real People Press

(1993-1995) Two-year Master in psychotherapy of Gestalt related to the couple and family

(1993-1995) Master in Body-Oriented Psychotherapy with Ph.D George Downing director of the International Institute of Body oriented Psychotherapy” in Paris

(1996- 1999) Clinical Supervisor, Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Psychotherapy, in Clinical Supervisor, Psychology Internship program, training of Psychotherapy of Gestalt, for the Human Communication Center

Work experience

(1988-1994): Worked in different places teaching courses to professional nurses in the Public Hospital. The topics were the psychology of the groups and the psychology of the Communication.

(1993) Licensed Psychotherapist in private practice and registered to order of psychoterapist n. 1301 del 7/10/1993 in the county of Veneto

(1988-1993) Researcher in the pilot plan on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification, organization (ULSS 16 Venice),

(1994-2000): Manager Psychologist for the ULSS 6 Vicenza (Italy), dealing with Social and Preventive addiction and Clinical and forensic psychological evaluations (inpatient and outpatient); individual and group psychotherapy

(1993- now): Independent private practice. Individual, couple psychotherapy. Clinical and forensic psychological evaluations and treatment planning for the Juvenile Court. Psychotherapy commitment certifications about cognitive abilities and counselling to parents for educational problem of adolescence and psychotherapy for children and younger adult.

Job-related skills

-I am fairly well acquainted with Moreno’s psychotherapeutic approach

- I have a good knowledge of the Somatic Autogenes training

- I have a basic knowledge of some informatic programs: Word, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer

Professional affilations:

- H.C.C (Human Communication Center) Institute of Gestalt Therapy Ragusa (Italy)

- Member of the Family Centre Counselling UCIPEM in  Mestre-Venezia (Italy)


The International Congress on Gestalt Therapy: “Gestalt therapy with groups of adolescents. An clinical experience” Siena (Italy) 17-21/7/1991

Foreign language:

- English: intermediate level